Do You Have an Office Project We Can Help With?

YASA Motors, Oxford Industrial Park

Cube21 Ltd were contracted with the full installation and management of the interior fit out, with a 10 week construction period. This included their manufacturing & Lab testing department with bespoke work benching bays supplied with 64amp power outlets.

YASA had a specific period which was their only window to complete the move so was imperative the dead line was met.

YASA Motors acquired a complete un-serviced space to relocate to for their new office HQ and production facility for high powered electric motors for automotive and industrial applications.

The 6670 square foot plot was divided into carpeted open plan, office and meeting rooms. Industrial lino was fitted in the production and lab areas, with a screeded delivery bay store area.

Project Details


YASA Motors


Office Design and Full Office Fit Out


Cube 21 Ltd.

YASA Motors

Project Gallery

YASA Motors, Oxford - Office renovation project by Cube 21
YASA - office refurbishment Oxford by Cube21
Agility Works, Oxford - Office renovation project by Cube 21
YASA - office refurbishment Oxford by Cube21
YASA - office refurbishment Oxford by Cube21
YASA - office refurbishment Oxford by Cube21
YASA - office refurbishment Oxford by Cube21
Yasa Office Refurbishment in Oxford by Cube21
YASA Office Refurbishment Oxford by Cube21
Yasa Office Refurbishment in Oxford by Cube21
Yasa Office Refurbishment in Oxford by Cube21
YASA - office refurbishment Oxford by Cube21
YASA - office refurbishment Oxford by Cube21
YASA - office refurbishment Oxford by Cube21
YASA - office design Oxford by Cube21
YASA Motors, Oxford - Office renovation project by Cube 21
YASA Motors, Oxford - Office renovation project by Cube 21

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